Great choice!

In the heart of the unforgiving Atacama Desert in Chile, a unique opportunity for agricultural innovation awaits. Researchers have discovered genes associated with plant survival in this extreme environment, offering valuable insights that could revolutionize crop resilience worldwide, now that water shortage is becoming a huge problem worldwide. By supporting the "Genes of Survival" project we can unlock the secrets of these desert plants and bolster global food security.

We work closely together with the indigenous people of the Atacama Desert. They are increasingly concerned about the deterioration of their traditions, territory and practices related to water, but these concerns are often made invisible by the economic discourses of the lithium mining sector in that area.

With temperatures fluctuating over 50 degrees daily, our researchers need good equipment to collect the data sets.

What’s needed?

  • Approximately: $500 per unit

    Quantity: 3 units for the research team to navigate and map research sites.

  • Cost approximately $ 400 per kit

    These kits include various instruments for analyzing soil properties such as pH, moisture content, and nutrient levels. They are essential for understanding the soil conditions in the desert.

  • Cost approximately $ 275 per set

    Sample collection tools include shovels, trowels, soil augers, and containers for storing plant samples. These tools are crucial for safely and accurately collecting specimens.

  • Cost approximately $400 per device.

    Amount: 1

    Weather monitoring equipment includes sensors for measuring temperature, humidity, wind speed, and solar radiation. This data is vital for understanding the extreme climatic conditions of the Atacama Desert.

    These specialized tools are essential for conducting accurate research in the harsh desert environment.

  • Cost approximately $ 3,000 per unit.

    Quantity: Depending on the volume of plant samples collected, multiple freezers may be required but we thin one will do for the first research.

  • Satellite Phones: approximately $700 per phone

    Amount: 2

    First Aid Kits: $ 50 per kit

    Amount: 1

  • $ 9,175


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