The crew
behind the clarity.
Rich Kern | CFO | Co-Founder
Discover the pioneering partners, visionaries, and game-changers who amplify our mission with shared zeal.
We develop closely together with this dynamic crew of tech and industry vets who love to craft top-notch tech solutions for the tech leaders of tomorrow.
One World Compliance
We AML (Anti Money Laundering) together to ensure strict compliance with the Bank Secrecy Act and other regulatory requirements.
Neo Banking
We have agreements with Transcard , ViaCarte, TRAXX , Indipaisa, silk., and TERN.
NTQ Solutions
Together, we navigate the tech challenges that EleaTek will face with the ever-evolving technology of blockchain and AI.
Team Alchemy
Working in a startup mirrors the dedication and drive of top athletes, and similarly requires skilled coaching to maintain balance, human connection, and team unity. That's where Andrew and Jacqui step in, doing an outstanding job at harmonizing our team, ensuring we can sing the hymn of trust together.
Meet the photographers, film directors, and music composers who breathe creative life into our communications.
Bernardo Pontual Be Corbal, MART Production, Cottonbro Studio,
Pavel Danilyuk, Dan Cristian Pădureț, Declan Conor, Tima Miroshnichenko, SHVETS production, Kindel Media, Michelangelo Buonarroti, C Technical, Ron Lach, Edmond Dantès, RDNE Project,
Yaroslav Shuraev, Sergei Starostin, Alena Darmel, Darlene Alderson,
Gx Kaila, TREEDEO.ST, Kelly.