Market size breakdown for EleaTek

Total Addressable Market (TAM):

  • $1.31 trillion – The global market for donations and impact investments, representing the largest potential market EleaTek can tap into.

Serviceable Addressable Market (SAM):

  • $524 billion – Focuses on modern and digital transactions, narrowing down the market to areas where EleaTek’s digital tools and solutions are most relevant.

Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM):

  • $1.31 billion – Estimated transactions that EleaTek can realistically capture through its platform initially, based on current capabilities and positioning in the digital giving space.

Revenue Model Projection:

  • $105 million – Potential residual revenues calculated at 0.1% market share, assuming EleaTek realizes 8% gross revenue from all of our profit centers. At EleaTek, we’re putting our money where our mission is—donating a big chunk of our profits to trustworthy, border-proof charitable causes and impact projects.

Key takeaway:

EleaTek’s exponential growth model targets this massive, rapidly evolving market for digital giving and impact investments. With a focus on modern, transparent, and trackable transactions, EleaTek is positioned to leverage even a small slice of this market to generate substantial revenues while addressing donor needs for proof-driven philanthropy and proof-driven impact investing.

Business model for EleaTek

105 mn

Residual Revenues @ 0.1% Market Share

We're realizing 8% gross revenue from all of our profit centers:

+ Transactions
+ Neo-Banking
+ EleaVerse
+ Verification badges



